Sage™ Discussion Forums
The Sage User Forum exists to enable UK Sage™ software users to discuss usage of Sage products, share ideas and help each other. In order to maintain the forums as a useful and friendly place for users to discuss the product's usage with each other, we have a set of rules which all users are bound by. It is important that you read though, understand and accept all of them before joining or making use of the forums. If you respect the other users and the list owners then you're unlikely to ever offend anyone here, so please make good use of the forums, help others where you can and enjoy !
Please note that this is an independent user-to-user forum and not endorsed or participated in by Sage or any of their staff in any official capacity.
In the event of essential forum queries to the forum providers, please email to the SEG address below and your message will be forwarded - Please do not attempt to make contact by phone or any other means under any circumstances as SEG very kindly provide web space for this forum but their staff are not paid to provide any other support/help for the forum!
Attention New Users : During new user registration, you will be asked for a 'Registration Phrase'. This is currently as shown below. Enter without spaces, with upper/lower case as shown:
Forum Rules
- Membership is open to current users of Sage software within the UK, Norther Ireland. This service is offered free of charge.
- The forums are designated as English Language only.
- You are responsible for the contents of any messages you write on the forum, but other users are responsible for themselves if they choose to rely on that information. In all cases, you accept that the forum owners and moderators cannot be held responsible for anything you post or read on the forums. You should remember that any advice you receive from other forum uses may be misguided, invalid, inaccurate or inappropriate. Relying on any advice or information read on the forum is entirely at your own risk.
- Obscene language or comments which are lewd, abusive, insensitive, offensive or derogratory are prohibited (as determined by the moderators at their sole discretion). Please remember that different members have different sensitivities and beliefs. If you post a message which is considered by the maintainers might cause offence, insult another user or damage any person or company, it will be removed and if you persist, you will be barred. Whilst such material will be removed normally, the list maintainers do not accept responsibility for any such material posted if it remains and you agree not to hold the list owners or moderators liable for any such material you see in the forums.
- The forum owners reserves the right to remove, edit, censor or not post any message, without explanation or notice; this applies in particular to messages covered by the previous section. In order to keep the forums useful, general discussion or messages containing out of date information will be removed after a period though messages containing useful facts/suggestions/help will be retained. Message threads may also be 'pruned' in order that the pertinent help/facts are more readily accessible, and message 'subjects' may be amended to make their contents more obvious.
- You must at all times respect the rights of other users and the owners of the forum to protect their own interests, personal, financial or commercial. As such, you must not use the forum to make libellous, untrue or deliberately embarrsing claims about another person or company. Any such postings will be removed without notice.
- No soliciting or advertising is permitted by members, including adverts appended to messages, forum messages or emails sent to forum users directly. No promotion any other products, services, companies, web sites, mailing lists or supplier/retailers is permitted without the list owner's specific permission.
- The forums may under no circumstances be used for campaigning, soliciting, petitioning, forming pressure groups, collecting volunteers, promoting membership of any collective or organsiation (including but not limited to political/religious groups) or otherwise be used to increase the voice of an individual to the voice of a group for political, commercial, financial or other gain without the forum owner's permission.
- Stay relevant & on topic. The forums are for users to specifically discuss the subject matter described for each forum. Please always use the most appropriate forum and do not post messages which are clearly unrelated to the forum titles.
- When posting a message, please use a descriptive subject line (i.e. not "help" or "problem" or "there's a bug" etc.). A descriptive subject line is more likely to attract the attention of other forum users who might be interested or be able to advise on your topic.
- Once posted, the collection of messages become copyright of the forum owner and messages may not be copied outside the list in any form, in part or full, without permission from the list owner. Forum messages, in part or full, may not be forwarded or published elsewhere in part of full, electronically or otherwise.
- You agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party, except where that information which is displayed as part of the normal forum operation, the forum owner and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking or data theft attempt that may lead to the data being compromised. Any information which you provide or is available from you may be passed onto third parties if disclosure is required by law, or otherwise in connection with any legal issues, disputes or tort
- The forum system uses 'cookies' to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of your personal details and do not send us any information back to us; the cookie is used only to identify you so that you can log in automatically etc.
- Under no circumstances may you use other participant's email addresses, names or other details for unsolicited email, spam, adding to mailing lists or subscriptions to services without their express permission. Where other users post personal/technical information, you may not use this information for any statistical or commercial purpose.
- The identity and name you use must not imply that you are someone else, or acting the the capacity of another person or company unless you actually are, or infringe upon any trademark. IP source addresses of messages are logged and you must not give false information in your registration. Should your personal details change, please update your profile. If the moderators consider that your chosen username is unsuitable or offensive, you will be asked to change it. If you do not comply with a request from the forum owners, your membership may be cancelled.
- If the rules are broken, you may receive a friendly reminder, a warning or in cases of severe breaches of the rules or anti-social behaviour to the detriment of other users, the moderators may remove you temporarily or permanently. Such operation of the rules is entirely at the discretion of the forum owners and moderators. There is no automatic 'right' to use the board. The forums or your membership may be suspended at any time without notice or explanation and if you are banned, you may not rejoin under the same or any other name without specific permission. These rules may be modified at any time without notice; the latest issue of rules will be shown on this page.
- Moderators : The volunteer 'moderators' keep an eye on the forums and it is their purpose to jelp ensure that the forums operate within the remit described here, and according to the rules. The moderators cannot offer direct technical or other advice and do not represent Sage or their dealers in any official or unofficial capacity.
- Please remember : These rules are compulsory. If you do not agree to them and accept them, then you must not use or join the forums. Please read all of the rules thoroughly now so that you can make an informed choice. These rules are applied by the forum moderators with common sense, and we know the majority of users will use the forums with common sense. We cannot offer a forum which is perfect for every individual user, so if you feel that cannot agree to and accept all of the rules, please do not join or use the forums.
- In addition to these rules, you are governed by the laws of England.
©2003. Updated : 03/02/03 Sage is a registered trademark of Sage PLC. All trademarks acknowledged.